
The traditional Chinese medicine prophylactic granules for Novel Coronavirus

 中药免煎颗粒中药名 Name of Traditional Chinese Medicine Granules 规格(提取比例) Specification(Extract Ratio)  【功能与主治】Functions and Indications  【性味与归经】
  连翘Weeping Forsythia Capsule   20 清热解毒,消肿散结,疏散风热。用于痈疽,瘰疬,乳痈, 丹毒,风热感冒,温病初起,温热入营,高热烦渴,神昏发斑,热淋涩痛。To remove heat toxin to disperse swelling, and eliminate nodulation   苦,微寒。归肺、心、小肠经。
  黄芩Baical Skullcap Root   2.2 清热燥湿,泻火解毒,止血,安胎。用于湿温、暑湿,胸闷呕恶, 湿热痞满,泻痢,黄疸,肺热咳嗽,高热烦渴.血热吐衄,痈肿疮毒,胎动不安。To remove damp-heat, quench fire and counteract toxin, arrest bleeding, and prevent abortion  苦,寒。归肺、胆、脾、大肠、小肠经。
  金银花Honeysuckle   3  清热解毒,疏散风热。用于痈肿疗疮,喉痹,丹毒,热毒血痢,风热感冒,温病发热。To remove heat toxin and dispel wind-heat   甘,寒。归肺、心、胃经。
  广藿香Cablin Patchouli Herb   10 芳香化浊,和中止呕,发表解暑。用于湿浊中阻,脘痞呕吐,暑湿表证,湿温初起,发热倦怠,胸闷不舒,寒湿闭暑,腹痛吐泻,鼻渊头痛。To resolve turbidity with aroma, arrest vomiting, and release the exterior and expel summer-dampness   辛,微温。归脾、胃、肺经。
  柴胡Chinese Thorowax Root   4 和解表里,疏肝,升阳。用于感冒发热.寒热往来,胸胁胀痛,月经不调;子宫脱垂,脱肛。To harmonizing exterior and interior, soothe the liver, and upraise yang   辛、苦,微寒。归肝、胆、肺经。
  陈皮Dried Tangerine Peel   4  理气健脾,燥湿化痰。用于脘腹胀满,食少吐泻,咳嗽痰多。To regulate the flow of qi, invogorate the spleen function, eliminate damp, and resolve phlegm   苦、辛,温。归肺、脾经。
 白术Largehead Atractylodes Rh   1.5 健脾益气,燥湿利水,止汗,安胎。用于脾虚食少,腹胀泄泻,痰饮眩悸,水肿,自汗,胎动不安。To invigorate the function of the spleen and replenish qi, eliminate dampness by diursis, arrest excessive perspiration, and prevent mischarriage   苦、甘,温。归脾、胃经。
  厚朴Officinal Magnolia Bark   8  燥湿消痰,下气除满。用于湿滞伤中,脘痞吐泻,食积气滞,腹胀便秘,痰饮喘咳。To eliminate damp and direct qi downward to relieve distension  苦、辛,温。归脾、胃、肺、大肠经。
  黄芪Milkvetch Root   2.5补气升阳,固表止汗,利水消肿,生津养血,行滞通痹,托毒排 脓,敛疮生肌。用于气虚乏力,食少便溏,中气下陷,久泻脱肛, 便血崩漏,表虚自汗,气虚水肿,内热消渴,血虚萎黄,半身不 遂,痹痛麻木,痈疽难溃,久溃不敛。To tonify qi and strengthen the superficial resistance, induce diuresis and promote drainage of pus and growth of new tissue   甘,微温。归肺、脾经。
  知母Common Anemarrhena Rhizome   1.8  清热泻火,滋阴润燥。用于外感热病,高热烦渴,肺热燥咳,骨蒸潮热,内热消渴,肠燥便秘。To remove heat and quench fire, and promote the production of body fluids and moisten dryness   苦、甘,寒。归肺、胃、肾经。
  板蓝根Isatis Root   2  清热解毒,凉血利咽。用于温疫时毒,发热咽痛,温毒发斑,痄腮,烂喉丹痧,大头瘟疫,丹毒,痈肿。To remove heat toxin, reduce heat in blood, and soothe the throat   苦,寒。归心、胃经。
  栀子Cape Jasmine Fruit   3 泻火除烦,清热利湿,凉血解毒;外用消肿止痛。用于热病心烦, 湿热黄疸,淋证涩痛,血热吐衄,目赤肿痛,火毒疮疡;外治扭挫伤痛。To reduce fire and ease the mind, eliminate damp-heat, and remove heat-toxcity from blood   苦,寒。归心、肺、三焦经。
  防风Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root   2  祛风解表,胜湿止痛,止痉。用于感冒头痛,风湿痹痛,风疹瘙痒,破伤风。To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind, to alleviate rheumatic condition, and to relieve spasm  辛、甘,微温。归膀胱、肝、脾经。
 桔梗Platycodon Root   10 宣肺,利咽,祛痰,排脓。用于咳嗽痰多,胸闷不畅,咽痛音哑, 肺痈吐脓。To diffuse the lung, relieve cough, ease sore throat, hoarseness; pulmonary abscesses with pus running abscess difficult to burst after suppuration   苦、辛,平。归肺经。
  麦冬Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber   3.3  养阴生津,润肺清心。用于肺燥干咳,阴虚痨嗽,喉痹咽痛,津伤口渴,内热消渴,心烦失眠,肠燥便秘。To nourish yin and engender fluid, moisten the lung, and tranquilize the mind  甘、微苦,微寒。归心、肺、胃经。

HPLC for the main ingredient: