方名Name 配方组成Formulation 配方来源依据Source
  医学观察期Medical observation period  金花清感颗粒Honeysuckle Granules 金银花、石膏、蜜麻黄、炒苦杏仁、黄芩、连翘、浙贝母、知母、牛蒡子、青蒿、薄荷、甘草Honeysuckle,Gypsum,Ephedra,Fried Bitter Apricot Seed,Thunberg Fritillary Bulb,Common Anemarrhena Rhizome,Great Burdock Achene,Sweet Wormwood Herb, Peppermint,Liquorice Root  关于印发新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)的通知Notice on the issuance of the Novel Coronavirus and treatment programme (pilot version 6)
      临床治疗期Clinical Period       清肺排毒颗粒Lung Supoort Grannules 麻黄9g、炙甘草6g、杏仁9g、生石膏15-30g、桂枝9g、泽泻9g.猪苓9g、白术9g、茯苓15g、柴胡16g、黄芩6g、姜半夏9g、生姜9g、紫菀9g、冬花9g、射干9g、细辛6g、山药12g、枳实6g、陈皮6g、藿香9gEphedra 9g;Prepared Liquorice Root 6g;apricot kernel 9g;Gypsum 15-30g;Cassia Twig 9g;Oriental Water;Plantain Rhizome 9g;Chuling 9g;Largehead Atractylodes Rh 9g;Indian Bread 15g;Chinese Thorowax Root 16g;Baical Skullcap Root6g;Ginger processed pinellia 9g;Fresh Ginger 9g;Tatarian Aster Root 9g;Common Coltsfoot Flower9g;Blackberry Lily Rhizome9g;Manchurian Wildginger root 6g;Common Yam Rhizome12g;Immature Orange Fruit6g;Dried Tangerine Peel 6g;Cablin Patchouli Herb 9g      关于印发新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)的通知Notice on the issuance of the Novel Coronavirus and treatment programme (pilot version 6)
        恢复期convalescentperiod   补脾益肺颗粒Tonify spleen and Lung Grannules  法半夏9g、陈皮10g、党参15g、炙黄芪30g、炒白术10g、茯苓15g、藿香10g、砂仁6g、甘草6g Rhizoma Pinellinae Praeparata 9g;Dried Tangerine Peel 10g;Tangshen15g;Prepared Milkvetch Root 30g;Largehead Atractylodes Rh 10g;Indian Bread 15g; Cablin Patchouli Herb10g;Villous Amomum Fruit 6g; Liquorice Root 6g   关于印发新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)的通知Notice on the issuance of the Novel Coronavirus and treatment programme (pilot version 6)
   沙参麦冬颗粒Shashen Maidong Granules南北沙参各10g、麦冬15g、西洋参6g、五味子6g、生石膏15g、淡竹叶10g、桑叶10g、芦根15g、丹参15g、生甘草6g Fourleaf Ladybell Root 10g;Coastal Glehnia Root 10g; Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 15g; American Ginseng 6g;Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 6g;Gypsum 15g;Lophatherum Herb 10g;Mulberry Leaf 10g;Reed Rhizome 15g;Danshen Root 15g;Raw Liquorice Root 6g  关于印发新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第六版)的通知Notice on the issuance of the Novel Coronavirus and treatment programme (pilot version 6)
             预防Prevention   补中益气颗粒Qi-tonifying Granules炙黄芪20g、党参6g、炙甘草10g 、炒白术6g、当归6g、升麻6g、柴胡6g、陈皮6gPrepared Milkvetch Root 20g;Tangshen 6g;Prepared Liquorice Root 10g;Largehead Atractylodes Rh 6g; Chinese Angelica 6g;Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome 6g;Chinese Thorowax Root 6g;Dried Tangerine Peel 6g  广东省新型冠状病毒肺炎中医药治疗方案Traditional Chinese medicine treatment program of Novel Coronavirus in Guangdong Province
   新玉屏风颗粒Xinyu Pingfeng Granules 生黄芪15g,防风10g,生白术12g,银花10g,藿香10g,苏叶10g, 芦根15g(鲜芦根尤佳),生甘草6gRaw Milkvetch Root 15g;Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root 10g;Raw Largehead Atractylodes Rh 12g;Honeysuckle 10g;Cablin Patchouli Herb 10g;Perilla leaf 10g;Reed Rhizome 15g;Raw Liquorice Root 6g 浙江省新型冠状病毒肺炎中医药防治推荐方案(试行第四版)Recommended plan for prevention and treatment of Novel Coronavirus by traditional Chinese medicine in Zhejiang Province (trial version 4)
   防疫颗粒Antiepidemic Granules  生黄芪9g,生白术9g,防风6g,金银花9g,广藿香9g, 生甘草6gRaw Milkvetch Root 9g;Raw Largehead Atractylodes Rh 9g;Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root 6g;Honeysuckle 9g;Cablin Patchouli Herb 9g;Raw Liquorice Root 6g 《关于普通人群使用中药预防疫病推荐方的通知》(浙中医药[2020]3号)Notice on the recommended prescription for the prevention of epidemic diseases by the use of traditional Chinese medicine in the general population (Zhejiang central medicine [2020] no. 3)
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